
Scroll down to see more about my downloads and books that I recommend to expand your knowledge for your survival. Please purchase what you need!

In this list, there are some articles I have written, some I have read, and all you should read if you want to expand your knowledge with prepping and survival. Some of these are books in my survival kit, to go with my bug-out bag in the event I need to split. I have to say, I am providing a resource for you to acquire what you like. As an Amazon associate, I can make a commission from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. Please do, it helps me continue this effort. Thank you in advance!

I Will Survive

This could be the information you need to help you see what you need to be ready before you have to be!

It could be a natural disaster, severe weather, terrorism, or even war. It could be a simple mechanical failure that puts you without power for several days. In any event, what you could learn in this book could actually save your life or the lives of your loved ones.

You will find the essential things one should have on hand at all times to be ready before you have to be.

In this book are resources to list the items you need, where to get them, how to practice using them, and maintaining what you have to ensure they are fresh and ready to use in the event you suddenly need them.

eBook cover for I Will Survive

This Short Little Guide Is Like Preventive Medicine For Your Safety

If you have any idea how many violent crimes are committed in your area and have done nothing to prepare for it, your family may be in more danger than they need to be. Just think for a minute, what would your family do if someone broke into your home right now? What if your teenaged daughter were home alone when this happened? In any situation like this, you are better off having a plan to confront danger.

Confronting Danger As A Family Is The Start Of That Plan!

Cover for Confronting Danger As A Family, picture fo a woman with a child in the mountains. Blue cover, with title and author.

If You Are A Single Mom And Want To Keep Your Children Safe

This Download Is Where To Start!

This download has the 4 essential things you need to do to be ready before you have to be! IF there is a disaster, crippling storm, or any event that leaves you stuck in your home, are you ready? Get this guide to lead you in the straightest line to completing that goal. Follow the tips and I will help you get there!

For just a few dollars you can be on your way to solidifying the safety of you and your children. Even if you don’t want my help get this guide and follow through. You will be glad the next time you need what is in there!

Cover for Survival Tips For Single Moms, blue and grey cover with a mom and child.

If you would like to start prepping and are not sure where to begin, I am here to help you! Fill out the form and I will guide you through this process step by step getting you ready before you have to be in a way that creates a habit and will not break the bank!

Your Survival Plan
Subscribe here to get step-by-step guidance to begin prepping so you can be ready before you have to be!
Entering your information here will redirect you to where you can subscribe to Your Survival Plan so we can work together toward you having peace of mind knowing you have what you need to survive.